Surfaces of Functions of Type  z = f (x, y)    by HWK

Download    » gallery «    Gallery of Images

Download of the gallery

Here, you can download the program » gallery «. It contains a gallery of images giving
more information concering the images rendered with » HELIKON «. The program file to
be downloaded is "gallery.~exe", the inserted tilde is for the reason of safety. To start
the program, the file has to be renamed to "gallery.exe".

Save the program to an arbitrary directory. When started, it creates an "ini" file for
some parameters. The program does not write into the registry and also does not
read from the registry. To uninstall the program just delete the files gallery.exe and

                         Download "gallery.~exe" to your computer                         

Download    » HELIKONPICS2 «    New Images

Download of the gallery with new images

Here, you can download the program » HELIKONPICS2 «. It contains a gallery of new
images giving more information concering the images rendered with » HELIKON «.
The program file to be downloaded is "HELIKONPICS2.~exe", The tilde is inserted for
safety. To start the program, the file has to be renamed to "HELIKONPICS2.exe".

Save the program to an arbitrary directory. When started, it creates an "ini" file for
some parameters. The program does not write into the registry and also does not
read from the registry. To uninstall the program delete the files HELIKONPICS2.exe

For a correct and meaningful representation of the images a screen with at least
1920 x 1080 pixels is required.

                  Download "HELIKONPICS2.~exe" to your computer                     

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